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Trabalhando juntos transnacionalmente para criar uma nova realidade para nós e nossas comunidades...

Somos um coletivo de mulheres negras que buscam conexão com várias mulheres e pessoas negras em todo o mundo para construir uma comunidade e solidariedade. Pretendemos advogar dentro das lentes da justiça sexual e reprodutiva, trabalhando juntos transnacionalmente para criar uma nova realidade para nós e nossas comunidades.


A discriminação com base em raça, sexo, gênero, classe e outras distinções geográficas e culturais é implementada localmente e experimentada globalmente.


Neste momento atual, as mulheres negras estão resistindo à opressão enquanto tentam proteger a si mesmas e suas comunidades de pandemias globais, como a COVID-19 e a atual crise do HIV.

Happy Couple
Sobre a Cimeira

Mulheres AGORA! Global Summit um encontro interdisciplinar para mulheres e meninas da África e da diáspora.

O objetivo é definir uma agenda compartilhada sobre as interseções de HIV, Sexual & Saúde Reprodutiva, Direitos e Justiça (SRHRJ).

Saiba mais sobre o
Mulheres AGORA! Cúpula Global 2023

O evento foi concebido como uma oportunidade para organizar mulheres e meninas de ascendência africana para construir uma ação mais forte e coletiva sobre questões-chave, incluindo: desigualdade racial; desigualdade econômica e de gênero; liderança e poder; violência baseada em gênero e trauma; saúde sexual e reprodutiva, direitos e justiça; construção do movimento intergeracional; e equidade e justiça nos programas e políticas do SRHRJ em pesquisa, prevenção, assistência e defesa.


A Cúpula de 2023 é organizada para gerar muita interação entre todos os participantes, que explorarão perspectivas emergentes relacionadas às ameaças e experiências desproporcionais de SRHRJ de Mulheres e Meninas Afrodescendentes (WGAD).


Teremos oportunidades de aprofundar alguns problemas comuns importantes com painéis de especialistas no assunto (SMEs) - alcançar níveis mais altos com conversas interativas ricas e robustas com todo o público e usar nossas mesas de conversação para destilar as conversas em desafios comuns concretos e soluções implementáveis. Os apresentadores, palestrantes e participantes do Summit são encarregados de abordar alguns desafios realmente grandes que são comumente vivenciados pelo WGAD em todo o mundo – violência e trauma em todas as suas formas; políticas e práticas SRHRJ em andamento; campanhas e iniciativas globais destinadas a impactar melhores resultados para o WGAD em todo o mundo. Todos os que vêm para WomenNOW! espera-se que participem ativamente do evento e moldem narrativas que representem a comunhão dos temas centrais da Cúpula.


A Cúpula de 2023 está marcada para se reunir pessoalmente, localizada em Victoria Falls, Zimbábue, de 1 a 5 de dezembro de 2023.



Nosso objetivo é discutir questões críticas que afetam desproporcionalmente nossas vidas e comunidades, bem como esforços de defesa e o futuro da justiça reprodutiva.


Questões como injustiças sexuais e reprodutivas, supremacia branca, capitalismo neoliberal e colonialismo e pandemias globais estão na vanguarda da determinação da qualidade e dignidade de nossas vidas e lutas.

A partir dessas reuniões, criaremos planos de ação nos níveis local, nacional e transnacional para envolver mais de 500 mulheres ativistas negras, acadêmicas e defensoras da WomenNOW!. Isso resultará em uma antologia escrita e publicada por nós, para nossa libertação como coletivo.

















Victoria Falls, Zimbábue


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Our Speakers
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Refiloe Sibisi is a 24-year-old Professional Youth Advisor for the MindKind study in South Africa through Higher Health SA.

Refiloe Sibisi

Refiloe Sibisi is a 24-year-old Professional Youth Advisor for the MindKind study in South Africa through Higher Health SA.

Quarraisha Abdool Karim is an infectious diseases epidemiologist, Associate Scientific Director of CAPRISA, UNAIDS Special Ambassador for Adolescents and HIV, Professor in Clinical Epidemiology, Columbia University

Quarraisha Abdool Karim

Quarraisha Abdool Karim is an infectious diseases epidemiologist, Associate Scientific Director of CAPRISA, UNAIDS Special Ambassador for Adolescents and HIV, Professor in Clinical Epidemiology, Columbia University

Shamim Salim is a young Queer Muslim disabled feminist and a human rights activist.

Shamim Salim

Shamim Salim is a young Queer Muslim disabled feminist and a human rights activist.

Sixolile Ngcobo is a seasoned gender and sustainable development Practitioner and is trained in psychology and employee wellness.

Sixolile Ngcobo

Sixolile Ngcobo is a seasoned gender and sustainable development Practitioner and is trained in psychology and employee wellness.

Mandisa Dlamini is a daughter of a HIV Activist Gugu Dlamini, who was stoned to death in 1998 after disclosing her HIV status KwaMancinza in Durban.

Mandisa Dlamini

Mandisa Dlamini is a daughter of a HIV Activist Gugu Dlamini, who was stoned to death in 1998 after disclosing her HIV status KwaMancinza in Durban.

Mthembu currently holds a position of Deputy Director for research and policy analysis in the Ministry in the Presidency Responsible for women, youth and persons with disabilities.

Sethembiso Mthembu

Mthembu currently holds a position of Deputy Director for research and policy analysis in the Ministry in the Presidency Responsible for women, youth and persons with disabilities.

Nkosikhona Mpungose is a community development activist who is the founder and chairperson of Youth Inter-Active (YIA).

Nkosikhona Mpungose

Nkosikhona Mpungose is a community development activist who is the founder and chairperson of Youth Inter-Active (YIA).

L. Leigh-Ann van der Merwe is a self-identified South African coloured transgender woman. She is the founder and director of Social, Health and Empowerment Feminist Collective, an organisation working to bring the political voice of transgender women into research, praxis, and advocacy.

L. Leigh-Ann van der Merwe

L. Leigh-Ann van der Merwe is a self-identified South African coloured transgender woman. She is the founder and director of Social, Health and Empowerment Feminist Collective, an organisation working to bring the political voice of transgender women into research, praxis, and advocacy.

Dr. Angeli Achrekar serves as the Acting U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator.

Dr. Angeli Achrekar

Dr. Angeli Achrekar serves as the Acting U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator.

Linda Mafu is the Head of Political and Civil Society for the Global Fund.

Linda Olyai Mafu

Linda Mafu is the Head of Political and Civil Society for the Global Fund.

Thuthukile Mbatha is a Regional Advocacy Officer at AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA). She is a sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) activist with a particular interest in HIV prevention.

Thuthukile Mbatha

Thuthukile Mbatha is a Regional Advocacy Officer at AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA). She is a sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) activist with a particular interest in HIV prevention.

Candice Chirwa is an author, gender activist, and thought leader. Better known as the Minister of Menstruation, her activism is led by the belief that menstruators deserve fundamental human rights.

Candice Chirwa

Candice Chirwa is an author, gender activist, and thought leader. Better known as the Minister of Menstruation, her activism is led by the belief that menstruators deserve fundamental human rights.


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Robynne Lucas (she/they) is a third year undergraduate student studying Women and Gender studies with a certificate in Reproductive Health Rights and Justice at Smith College. Her studies mainly revolve around sexuality/sexology, Feminist health, Reproductive justice, and Black Feminist studies. She is currently serving as the Assistant organizer for WomenNOW! Sexual and Reproductive Justice Continuum. Robynne is also working with S.T.A.R Theatre For Social Change as an intern and project coordinator; leading the creation of an interactive comprehensive + sexual education platform with the organization’s founder. Robynne aims to conjoin both her passions for Sexual and Reproductive Justice in pursuing a career in sex education as well as Public Health as a reproductive justice advocate for Black and brown womxn. Robynne intends to go back to school to pursue a masters in Nursing to become a Certified Nurse Midwife after gaining experience in sexual and reproductive justice activism. Robynne also hopes to open a Women’s health clinic servicing socioeconomically, racially, and sexually underrepresented communities later in her career.

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Nontyatyambo has been openly living with HIV for the past ten years and endured many challenges on different levels as a young woman. Nontyatyambo joined Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) to educate communities who were clearly suffering from lack of knowledge about HIV and AIDS. This is where she cut her teeth on community mobilization which includes community dialogues and education sessions at local clinics. She joined People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA) as a Trainer. Her main responsibility included supporting emerging Home-Based Care organizations, an important role player in women’s lives, as they support HIV-positive communities.


Thato Mphithi is a disability rights advocate and founder of Enabled Enlightenment, a South African-based nonprofit that focuses on building inclusive spaces for people living with disabilities. Her work with SisterLove, Inc South Africa (SLISA) has made an impact in the lives of hundreds of women, girls, and non-binary individuals. She has been an active organizer and representative for SLISA, and worked closely with major international organizations and the government of South Africa.

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Dázon Dixon Diallo is Founder and President of SisterLove, Inc, established in 1989, the first women’s HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Justice organization in the southeastern United States. Dázon is a recognized visionary and advocate in the struggle for human rights, sexual and reproductive justice, and the fight against HIV/AIDS, with, and on behalf of, communities of women and girls living with HIV and those at risk for HIV and STIs. She is a proud member of In Our Own Voice: The National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda, where she advocates for sexual and reproductive justice in public health and prevention policies and programs. Dr. Diallo is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Women’s Health Network, and she is a co-chair for the Act Now End AIDS National Coalition.


Loretta Ross is a Visiting Associate Professor at Smith College teaching “White Supremacy in the Age of Trump.” She started her career in the women’s movement in the 1970s, working at the National Football League Players’ Association, the D.C. Rape Crisis Center, the National Organization for Women, the National Black Women’s Health Project, the Center for Democratic Renewal (National Anti-Klan Network), the National Center for Human Rights Education, and SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective. Her forthcoming book is Calling In the Calling Out Culture. Her most recent publications are Reproductive Justice: An Introduction and Radical Reproductive Justice. She is a graduate of Agnes Scott College class of 2007.


Katy Beltran is a Colombian-born Visual Artist, Organizer, and Founder of Museo Nueva Memoria, currently living in the city of Atlanta, GA. Beltran is an M.F.A in Photography graduate from the Savannah College of Art and Design and has worked since 2018 as part of the creative team of SISTERLOVE, INC and most recently WomenNOW! Sexual Health and Reproductive Justice Continuum mainly as a Visual Identity Consultant and Web Designer. Beltran also has nonprofit management and social leadership experience with five years of fieldwork, starting in 2015 when she founded Museo Nueva Memoria (The New Memory Museum) in Colombia, an awarded non-profit that uses art and photography to honor the life narratives of inhabitants of at-risk communities. Her longing to find a personal language has been nurtured by a variety of different expressive mediums, just as her desire to act to defend and enhance women’s rights through visual communication.

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